March 13, 2025

Web Stories


It was a sure bet from the moment that she joined the cast that Angela Deem would have a Tell All temper tantrum.

She showed up ready to fight. Everyone expected that.

What no one expected was just how quickly she would start a fight without prompting.

Angela pulled off a speedrun, arriving late, yelling and cursing, and storming away without even sitting down. Um … is she coming back?

Even before she arrived for the Tell All itself, Angela Deem was hyping herself up to go to war with Usman “Sojaboy” Umar.

The two had a run-in on 90 Day: Bares All a while back. At that time, they exchanged insults.

Since then, Angela has been nursing a grudge. Her friend Jen’s pleas for her to be calm and peaceful clearly had no impact.

Angela’s reputation for outrageous and even despicable behavior proceeds her, unfortunately.

First and foremost, Kimberly Menzies emphasized that she was unafraid of Angela’s anger. She did serve in the military for years.

However, simply because she could hold her own in a fight does not mean that she wanted to be in one. Her plan was to try to steer clear.

Meanwhile, Yara Zaya very separately confessed to the camera that she feared Angela’s anger.

Specifically, she joked about her very recent boob job.

Having “fixed” her breasts, Yara quipped that Angela might mess them up. That would be a horror, however improbable.

It was not only strangers and castmates who expressed concerns and (accurate) predictions about the ill-behaved nightmare woman.

Angela’s own husband, Michael Ilesanmi, spoke about his wife’s intentions and patterns of behavior.

“Angela is going to fight Usman,” he foretold. Apollo did not miss with the gift of prophesy and this guy.

Backstage, before anyone stepped out for the actual Tell All, Big Ed offered some advice to everyone.

(Not all of his advice was good or welcome, but this was actually pretty sound)

He suggested that no one give Angela the attention that she so desperately craves, noting that she will look like “an idiot” if she acts up and no one matches her energy. True!

Jovi also had something to say. He hoped that they would not have to wait all day for Angela to show up.

She has a tendency to arrive late so that she can hog the spotlight, making an entrance while everyone else is seated. It’s clownish, but what else can you expect from a clown?

Multiple cast members on multiple seasons have experienced this all too familiar behavior. And Season 7 was no exception.

Angela made her entrance after keeping everyone else waiting. That’s how she likes it — all eyes on her.

She walked over to arguably the second-worst person on the stage, Big Ed Brown, to give him a fist-bump.

The two are both franchise villains, but they are also among the most recognizable members of the cast — ever.

Without any prompting, Angela then directed her attention to the video screen behind Ed and beside Kimberly.

Facing Usman, she flipped him off with her middle finger. She also called him a “stupid bitch.”

That hostility begat Usman’s own retort, in which he called her a “stupid asshole.”

Angela and Usman had an extremely unproductive and jarringly ugly back-and-forth.

They insulted each other.

One of Angela’s favorite insults (apparently) was to target Usman’s teeth, as she repeatedly chanted that he should undergo some dental work.

Angela deciding to body-shame someone over unsought cosmetic work is a choice on her part, and not an acceptable one.

Throughout all of this, Kimberly mostly stayed out of it. Mostly.

And honestly, she had a very good reason for not fighting Angela to defend Usman’s honor. Among other things, he’s her ex.

Angela even went after Yara, demanding that she “shut up.” Why? Because Yara asked her to sit down and respect her fellow castmates.

“I don’t have to respect anybody, shut up!” she declared. Clearly, Angela will never respect anyone in a genuine capacity. She seems to be incapable of it.

After the exchange with Yara, during which Yara did an admirable job of remaining cool under pressure, Angela stormed off.

She shoved aside a producer and left the building.

A carton of cigarettes in hand, she demanded that her friend Jen not speak to her — but bring the car around anyway.

Being Angela’s “friend” seems to mean being her lapdog until she tires of you.

After Angela’s departure, Michael declined to film.

“I don’t feel I want to talk,” he said from in front of the camera in Nigeria before stepping away.

So the Tell All special lost two cast members within minutes of getting the ball rolling on the Tell All stage. And in Angela’s case, she never even sat down.

With Angela gone, the patient and beautiful Shaun Robinson was finally able to begin asking production-approved questions.

But uncertainty wavered in the air.

Would Angela and Michael return at all? Fortunately, we know the answer.

Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding “yes.”

The previews show footage that we have not seen — video of Angela, seated on the Tell All stage, and Michael participating beside her.

Believe it or not, there is still an audience for Angela’s atrocious behavior.


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