Bigg Boss 16 fame contestants Ankit Gupta and Gautam Singh Vig are indeed joining hands for a TV show called Junooniyatt. The show is about musicians and Ankit Gupta, Gautam Singh Vig along with the lead actress Neha Rana play musicians in the show. The three of them have different stories as well. The makers of Junooniyatt dropped the promos featuring all three and it has become the talk of the Telly town. However, Priyankit fans are missing Priyanka Chahar Choudhary. Let’s have a look at the promos below:
Junooniyatt promo: Ankit Gupta plays Jahaan
Entertainment News has been buzzing hot with the reports about Ankit Gupta and Gautam Singh Vig coming together for a show. They both were last seen in Bigg Boss 16 as contestants. While Gautam was evicted on Day 48, Ankit Gupta was evicted by the housemates on Day 84. And now, the promos of Junooniyatt have dropped and it looks quite interesting. Ankit plays Jahaan in the show. He wants to prove his parents innocent. There’s a tragic backstory to Jahaan it seems. Ankit looks quite dashing as Jahaan and will have a great command over lyrics/ words. He seems like a Shayar of sorts and gives out Shah Rukh Khan aka Raj’s vibes from DDLJ.
Watch the video of Ankit Gupta’s promo of Junooniyatt here:
Junooniyatt promo: Neha Rana plays Elahi
Banni Chow Home Delivery actress Neha Rana will be seen essaying the role of Elahi in the show, produced by Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta. Elahi’s mother left her and her father, it seems. Elahi is determined to find her mother through her music.
Watch the video of Neha Rana from Junooniyatt here:
Junooniyatt promo: Gautam Singh Vig plays Jordan
Gautam Singh Vig will be seen as Jordan in Junooniyatt. He is very passionate about music however, his father does not support his dream of becoming a musician. Jordan is intent on proving him wrong. He seems like a beatboxer and also a rapper. Gautam’s character seems more of a rebel rockstar and will remind you of Ranbir Kapoor aka Jordan from Rockstar.
Watch Gautam Singh Vig in the Junooniyatt promo here:
Priyankit fans miss Ankit and Priyanka together
Well, Ankit Gupta and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary have a huge fanbase in the country. They are famous as Priyankit online and have starred together in Udaariyaan. The show is a production by Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta as well. Seeing Ankit back on TV screens has made fans miss Priyanka, who wants to see them together again. Check out the reactions here:
Junooniyatt looks promising from the promos. The characters and their stories are interlinked. The three of them will meet at a competition. It seems they will form a band.
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