Deepika Padukone has been making waves since she unveiled the FIFA World Cup trophy ahead of the finals in Qatar. Ranveer Singh who was right there to support his actress-wife showered praises on her. Now, Deepika has shared her reactions.
Deepika Padukone’s trophy unveiling ceremony before the Argentina vs France finals match had Ranveer Singh cheering in the stadium. The actor shared glimpses of the moment and called her his “trophy”. Reacting to the story, Padukone wrote, “My Rock” on her Instagram story.
Check it out here:
She also shared a snap of herself with Ranveer and wrote, “A couple that watches a FIFA World Cup Final together, stays together…”
Deepika Padukone joined Spain’s goalkeeper Iker Casillas at Qatar’s Lusail Stadium to unveil the World Cup trophy.
#Deepika #Padukone #calls #Ranveer #Singh #rock #FIFA #World #Cup #finals