It looks like it is almost confirmed. Saath Nibhaana Saathiya actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee has been trending since last night after she posted haldi pics. The actress shared pics from her haldi ceremony last evening and fans wondered what happened. Some months back, news of her engagement with Vishal Singh went viral. Well, it was revealed that it was just for a song and nothing happened in reality. The two have been besties for a long time. In the video, we can see Vishal Singh putting haldi on Devoleena Bhattacharjee. People assumed that he was the guy but it looks like it is something different.
As per ABP News, Devoleena Bhattacharjee has married Shahnawaz Sheikh. He is a gym instructor by profession. When she was in Bigg Boss 13, she did mention that she has a boyfriend outside. The two have been going steady for a while now. The nuptials happened in Lonavala. The wedding was a super intimate affair. Only a few friends like Vishal Singh and Bhavini Purohit have attended the wedding. Her mom, Anima and few friends can be seen in the pics. The actress went for a mixed cultural look. She wore kaleerein for the marriage along with shaka -pola which is a sign of a married woman in Bengal. The couple have done a registry wedding already.
Fans are still in disbelief. The news has come out of nowhere. Devoleena Bhattacharjee is seen in a red lehenga choli for the wedding. But her bridal glow is unmissable. In one of the pics, we can see someone in a purple sherwani. She is holding his hand. The actress was last seen on Bigg Boss 14. We are waiting for the time when she will unveil the mystery man before the world. Well, it is only Devoleena Bhattacharjee who can give clarity on the same. We congratulate the couple!
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