Filmmaker Guneet Monga tied the knot with fashion entrepreneur Sunny Kapoor early on December 12. Their fairytale-esque wedding took place at a Gurudwara in 4 Bungalows, Mumbai.
Guneet Monga and Sunny Kapoor made for a stunning pair. For their wedding look, they opted for colour-coordinated pink and blue pastels. Guneet looked pretty in a lehenga while Sunny looked dapper in a Sherwani. The two are the definition of joy in the first pics from their wedding.
On Monday, Guneet took to her Instagram handle to share photos from the wedding ceremony. She penned a heartfelt note that reads, “With the unconditional love and blessings of our Guruji, elders, friends and family we took our vows to start our forever, today. I had my parents with me in spirit and in small details of my wedding festivities and rituals. I know they’re watching us from above and beaming. It’s surreal to have found a family so pure and warm in Sunny and his parents who have made me feel so incredibly special and loved already./ In putting together our wedding we experienced countless moments that felt so special, we felt dearly protected and celebrated. It’s like the universe came together to make our divine union happen. /Thank you for all the wishes, blessings and heart warming messages. Thank you for being a part of the biggest day of our life. /PS: I manifested the most popular surname ever!”
Earlier, Guneet had also shared adorable snaps from the pre-wedding festivities. Check out the photos from Guneet Monga and Sunny Kapoor’s wedding here:
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