The eagerly anticipated directorial debut of Aasmaan Bharadwaj, Kuttey, features a strong cast that includes Naseeruddin Shah, Tabu, Konkana Sen Sharma, Radhika Madan, and Kumud Mishra in addition to Arjun Kapoor. While the makers released the motion posters for the same last week, they have now finally dropped the movie’s trailer.
Arjun Kapoor shared this announcement across his social media handles along with the trailer. He captioned the post, “Hato Kamino! Kuttey aa gaye!! #Kuttey trailer out now! In cinemas 13th January. Check out the trailer below:
Kuttey is written by Aasmaan and Vishal Bhardwaj. Aasmaan has worked with his father Vishal Bhardwaj on 7 Khoon Maaf, Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola, and Pataakha before making his directorial debut with this movie. Under the banner of Luv Films and Vishal Bhardwaj Films, Luv Ranjan, Vishal Bhardwaj, Ankur Garg, and Rekha Bhardwaj have produced Kuttey. The movie Kuttey will open in theatres on January 13, 2023.
#Kuttey #Official #Trailer #Releases #Promises #ActionPacked #Watch