Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway, directed by Ashima Chibber, is based on true events. The film tells the narrative of an immigrant Indian mother’s quest to reclaim custody of her children from the Norwegian foster care system and how she fights against the legal system. The production house has revealed a still from the upcoming movie while revealing a bit about Rani’s persona.
In the picture, the actress is seen looking forward with an intense expression. She is wearing a pink saree and cradling a teddy bear in the still, demonstrating that the movie’s plot will be gripping and intriguing. “Inspired by the true story of a mother who shook an entire nation with her courage and willpower to win back her children” the production company captioned the image.
Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway, produced by Zee Studios and Emmay Entertainment (Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and Nikkhil Advani), is slated to be released on March 3, 2023, as the makers have announced recently. We can’t wait to see Rani Mukherjee’s return to the big screen, and that too with a role this powerful. She has always done justice to powerful roles in the past, and we can’t wait for another such performance.
#Rani #Mukerjis #Chatterjee #Norway #Release #Date #Announced