Tori Roloff is not getting along with her father-in-law these days.
This isn’t even a secret.
Ever since Matt Roloff put 16 acres of his Oregon farm up for sale in May, there’s been extreme tension between the father of four and pretty much everyone else in his family.
Heck, Tori’s husband Zach slammed his own dad as a coward and manipulator this spring after Matt made this decision because Zach felt snubbed by the process.

On the latest episode of Little People, Big World, however, Tori revealed that she once had some problems with her mother-in-law, too.
The bombshell was dropped amid a conversation between Tori and Zach after the former said she wanted to go dress shopping with Amy Roloff.
“I used to hang out with your mom all the time,” Tori told her husband, adding, much to the surprise of viewers:
“I mean, there was like a rough patch there, but I hope we’re coming back in to, ‘let’s hangout.’”

A rough patch? This is the first we’ve heard about such a rivalry between Tori and Amy.
Tori’s admission even provoked a producer to prod further, as he asked the cast member: What was the rough patch?
“When you become a mom sometimes it’s really difficult to take advice,” Tori replied in a confessional, at which point Zach jumped in as follows:
“Tori’s favorite line is, if my mom says something to her about parenting, she’ll be like, ‘I’ve seen your work, I live with your work.’”

Tori then continued, citing how things have been between her and Amy:
“I think her and I both had to kinda learn,” adding “sometimes I need to be more receptive to advice and sometimes I need to be less lectured.
“But I think every mother-in-law and daughter-in-law go through that.”
For sure, right, ladies?

Elsewhere on a recent Little People, Big World episode, Tori laid into Zach a bit.
She once again shared a tidbit to which most other women out there can likely relate.
“I feel underappreciated all the time. This is also an issue in our marriage currently,” said the TLC personality, who has three kids under the age of six.
“I’m literally pouring from an empty cup. Everybody wants something from me.
“If I don’t have anything to give, the whole thing freaks out.”

As cited above, Tori has expressed her annoyance of late over the tension between Zach and his dad, who have been at odds for months.
She’s even hinted that she may wanna leave Little People, Big World soon as a result.
“I do breakfast, feed the kids, get Jackson ready for school, take him to school,” Tori continued on the aforementioned episode.
“Then come home and Siah goes down for his first nap and then it’s just me and Lilah, and we play. He wakes up, we do lunch. It’s exhausting.”